
Homework Basics:
Homework will go home EVERY MONDAY.
Homework will be in their HOMEWORK FOLDER.
Homework is to be returned EVERY FRIDAY IN THE HOMEWORK FOLDER.
It IS for a grade.  It is important to go over your child's homework with them! Be involved in what they are learning! It won't be anything new to them.  It is what they have been learning in class!

Your child's homework will include Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe.  They have the freedom to make their tic-tac-toe however they want to.  They are to do one square everyday.  There will also be one math worksheet as well as a reading log.  The reading log is VERY important! There will be a prize for your child reading 100 books!  Also, please encourage your child to take AR test on the books that they read at home!  My computer is always open for your child to take AR tests!

Here's the Tic-Tac-Toe that the students will use their spelling words for each week this quarter! They get to choose how they'll make their 3 in a row! (Make sure to do the middle though!)